We collaborate with you, to elevate and expand your five-star offeringAs a Consulting Agency, we focus on developing a holistic brand, looking at all aspects that shape customer perception.

As your staff is your greatest asset, we put great importance on skills development and equipping your staff with the best tools geared to success.

The Namibian Collective is a registered member of The Hospitality Association of Namibian (H.A.N).



(34) Angelique Smith Portrait Shoot by AglowCeleste.jpg

Angelique Smith


With a diverse entrepreneurial background in HR, client relations, marketing and photography, Angelique is at the helm of all operations. Her passion for brand & skills development is only matched by her love for nature and preserving natural habitats.

Her background in photography comes in handy to create content for marketing, social media and visual training aids.

Angelique is also an active member of the International Luxury Hotel Association (ILHA) keeping up to date with the latest trends in the luxury hospitality industry.




Through extensive field research and first-hand experience of the Namibian tourism landscape, we’ve tailored our approach to address a prevailing and problematic pattern:

A disconnect between the expected and actual experience.

Despite the best intentions to foster an unforgettable African experience, most lodges’ remote location limits access to resources and training.

Traditional training events take a standardised approach to hospitality and customer service, neglecting each lodge’s unique needs and problem areas. Your training needs will be as unique as your brand and should enhance the overall client experience to the point that you are the preferred destination by choice.




  1. We offer a comprehensive solution & connect all the dots.

  2. We keep your target market top of mind & avoid cookie-cutter training.

  3. We come to you & offer follow-up visits to assess the implementation of training.